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Sermons from 2017

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December 17, 2017


Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Matthew 2:13–15, Revelation 21:1–8

December 17, 2017

The Year of the Lord's Favor

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Isaiah 61:1–4, John 1:6–28

December 10, 2017

Caught Up Together

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18, Luke 2:8–15

December 10, 2017

In the wilderness prepare

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Isaiah 40:1–11, Mark 1:1–8

December 3, 2017

Rebuke. Discipline. Earnestness. Repentance.

Scripture: Mark 1:1–8, Revelation 3:14–22

December 3, 2017

O that you would tear open the heavens!

Scripture: Isaiah 64:1–9, 1 Corinthians 1:3–9

November 26, 2017

Not From Him Who Called You

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Exodus 32:1–6, Exodus 32:19–23, Galatians 5:1–15

November 26, 2017

Your King Is Coming

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 9:32–37, John 12:12–16

November 19, 2017

Temple Partnerships

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Proverbs 3:19–27, 2 Corinthians 6:14– 7:1

November 19, 2017

Revival at the Water Gate

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 8:1–10, Luke 4:14–21

November 12, 2017

Operation Intimidation

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 6:1–14, Ephesians 4:29–32

November 5, 2017

Why Do We Need a High Priest?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Numbers 18:1–7, Hebrews 4:14– 5:10

November 5, 2017

How to Handle a Promotion

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 5:14–19, Psalm 75:5–7

October 29, 2017


Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Hosea 14:1–9, Ephesians 2:1–10

October 29, 2017

Five Solas

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 145:8–13, Ephesians 2:1–10

October 22, 2017

Ancient and applicable

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Ezekiel 2:1–8, Acts 7:51–60

October 22, 2017

Love, Loans ... and the Money Crunch

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 5:1–13, Luke 14:28–30

October 15, 2017


Scripture: Matthew 23:13–15, Romans 1:16–25

October 8, 2017

Fare Thee Well

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12, Joshua 23:1–16

October 8, 2017

Knocked Down, but not Knocked Out

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 4:1–9, 2 Corinthians 4:7–10

October 1, 2017

Getting Off Dead Center

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 2:11–20, Mark 1:35–39

October 1, 2017

Getting off Dead Center

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 2:11–20, Mark 1:35–39

September 24, 2017

Trust and Finish the Job

Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: John 12:22–31, Joshua 11:1–11

September 24, 2017

Preparation for a Tough Job

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 2:1–11, Proverbs 16:9

September 17, 2017

When the Sun Stands Still

Pastor: Matthew Shipman Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Mark 5:21–43, Joshua 10:1–15

September 17, 2017

A Leader - From the Knees Up!

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Nehemiah 1:1–11, Romans 4:20–21

September 10, 2017

The Matter at Hand

Series: Nehemiah Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: John 10:9–10, 2 Chronicles 36:18–23

September 10, 2017

The king (small k)

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Romans 12:9– 13:1, Joshua 8:18–29

September 3, 2017

Lost Things

Pastor: Tom Haugen Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 23:1–, Luke 15:1–

September 3, 2017


Pastor: Tom Haugen Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 1:42–45

August 27, 2017

Are You Too Hard on Yourself?

Pastor: Jeff Powell Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Romans 5:1–5, Matthew 11:25–30

August 20, 2017

Personally Yours, Paul

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Romans 1:7–17, Romans 16:1–16

August 20, 2017

Called to Turn

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Matthew 5:29–30, Matthew 5:43–48, Joshua 7:1–13

August 13, 2017

Will You?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Matthew 14:25–31, Joshua 5:13– 6:7

August 13, 2017

Testimony of Support

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 62:1–12, 3 John 1:1–15

August 6, 2017

Faith, Unity and Holiness

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Mark 4:35–41, Joshua 5:1–12

August 6, 2017

Love and Complete Joy

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 61:1–8, 2 John 1:1–12

July 30, 2017

The kingdom of heaven is like … what?

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 128, Matthew 13:31–33, Matthew 13:44–52

July 23, 2017


Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Joshua 4:1–7, Joshua 4:19–24

July 23, 2017

The creation waits with eager longing

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 139:1–12, Psalm 139:23–24, Romans 8:12–25

July 16, 2017

Holy Lies

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:27–31, 1 Corinthians 13:1–3, Joshua 2:1–14

July 16, 2017

God has done…what the law cannot do

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 119:105–112, Romans 8:1–11

July 9, 2017

So I will be with you

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Romans 14:7–13, Joshua 1:1–9

July 9, 2017

I do not understand my own actions

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 45:10–17, Romans 7:15–25

July 2, 2017

Confirmation Testimonials

Scripture: Joshua 24:16–25, Luke 5:27–32, Acts 17:30–31

July 2, 2017

Moses to Joshua

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Joshua Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Romans 13:1–8, Deuteronomy 34:4–12

June 25, 2017

Grace Be With You

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 84:1–12, Colossians 4:7–18

June 25, 2017

Do not think I have come to bring peace on earth

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 86:1–10, Matthew 10:34–35

June 18, 2017

What are you doing here?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1–9, Mark 5:11–20

June 11, 2017

Charm, wit and Salt

Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 8:3–9, Colossians 4:2–6

June 11, 2017

Finding the Trinity in the Bible

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 2 Corinthians 13:11–13, Matthew 28:16–20

June 4, 2017

Mutual Humility

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:2–10, Colossians 3:18– 4:1

June 4, 2017

Amazed, Perplexed, Bewildered

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 11:1–9, Acts 2:1–20

May 28, 2017

A Last Breath Prior to Life

Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Proverbs 9:1–10, Colossians 3:1–17

May 21, 2017

Do Not

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 39, Colossians 2:16–23

May 21, 2017

Always be ready to make your defense

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 66:8–20, 1 Peter 3:13–22

May 14, 2017

Being Full

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Proverbs 13:15–20, Colossians 2:6–15

May 14, 2017

If you have seen me, then you have seen the Father also

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 31:1–5, Psalm 31:15–16, John 14:1–14

May 7, 2017

Suffering for the Hope of Glory

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Habakkuk 1:5–11, Colossians 1:24– 2:5

May 7, 2017

There are varieties of gifts

Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6–16, 1 Corinthians 12:4–11

April 30, 2017

The Beginning, the Firstborn, and in Everything

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 18–19, Colossians 1:15–23

April 23, 2017

Never Ceasing Confidence

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Colossians Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 127:1–5, Colossians 1:1–14

April 23, 2017

Better Together

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Kings 17:8–16, John 20:24–29

April 16, 2017

Love Personified

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Luke 24:1–12, John 21:1–19

April 14, 2017

Finding the Courage to Speak

Scripture: Isaiah 52:13– 53:12, Matthew 27:32–44

April 9, 2017

Persecution and Obedience

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: John 15:18–25, Psalm 118:15–29

April 9, 2017

Your king is coming to you...humble

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 118:1–2, Psalm 118:19–29, Matthew 21:1–11

April 2, 2017

Spiritual Blindness

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 18:25–36, John 9:35–41

April 2, 2017

I believe in the life everlasting

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:19–20, Ecclesiastes 5:15–16, Ecclesiastes 9:1–2, Ecclesiastes 9:9–10, Ecclesiastes 12:13, 1 Corinthians 15:54–57

March 26, 2017

Belonging to God

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 73:21–28, John 8:31–47

March 26, 2017

I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 51:1–12, Matthew 18:21–22

March 19, 2017

Leaving Jesus

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 12:1–8, 1 John 6:60–71

March 19, 2017

Being Sent into the World

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 12:1–3, Matthew 28:18–20

March 12, 2017

True Bread from Heaven

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: John 6:25–40, Psalm 62:5–12

March 12, 2017

What the Holy Spirit Does

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Isaiah 61:1–4, Luke 4:14–20

March 5, 2017

Born Again

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 103:13–22, John 3:1–21

March 5, 2017

Who the Holy Spirit Is

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Numbers 11:16–17, Numbers 11:24–30, Psalm 51:1–19, John 14:25–27

February 26, 2017

Who's Pilate's Wife?

Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Matthew 27:15–23, Psalm 99:1–9

February 26, 2017

What Jesus Does-The Atonement

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Peter 1:16–21, Matthew 17:1–9

February 19, 2017

Who's this Father?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 146, Mark 9:14–29

February 19, 2017

Who Jesus Is

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 John 4:7–26, Psalm 146

February 12, 2017

Who's Martha?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Luke 10:38–42, John 11:17–27

February 12, 2017

What God Does: Creation and Providence

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 1:1–27, Psalm 8:1–9, Romans 7:14–25

February 5, 2017

Who's Amos?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Amos 5:7–27

February 5, 2017

Our God Has a Name

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Exodus 3:13–15, John 3:1–21

January 29, 2017

Who's Naaman's wife's maid?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Matthew 18:1–6, 2 Kings 5:1–14

January 29, 2017

Knowing God

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Exodus 3:7–15, Luke 22:66– 23:5

January 22, 2017

Who's Abigail?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: 1 Samuel 25:1–35

January 22, 2017

The Bible: God's Word to Us

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14–17, John 1:1–14

January 15, 2017

Who's Hur?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Exodus 17:8–16, Mark 9:2–8,

January 15, 2017

How Do We Know? (The Way God Reveals Himself)

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 19:1–6, Psalm 19:14, Romans 1:18–23

January 8, 2017

Who's Melchizedek?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Genesis 14:17–24, Acts 1:6–11

January 1, 2017

The Mantle of the Lord

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Matthew 2:13–23, 1 Kings 19:19–21