Join us sundays at 12:00 and 17:00


The Cost

Many times in Jesus' life and ministry he said controversial and difficult things to his audiences, such as "we must be born again", "I am the bread of Life", and "abide in me". Jesus taught these sayings and many other difficult teachings in his life and ministry recorded in the Gospel of John. In this sermon series we will be examining the cost of following Jesus in his own words through the Lenten season leading to Easter Sunday.

April 9, 2017

Persecution and Obedience

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: John 15:18–25, Psalm 118:15–29

April 2, 2017

Spiritual Blindness

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 18:25–36, John 9:35–41

March 26, 2017

Belonging to God

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 73:21–28, John 8:31–47

March 19, 2017

Leaving Jesus

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 12:1–8, 1 John 6:60–71

March 12, 2017

True Bread from Heaven

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: John 6:25–40, Psalm 62:5–12

March 5, 2017

Born Again

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Cost Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 103:13–22, John 3:1–21