IPC has been contributing to this project for over 15 years now and we are about to start again. It is run by 4 Christian relief organisations in Switzerland working together to help bring a little joy at Christmastime to the thousands of people in Eastern Europe who live on or below the poverty line. Each carefully packed and wrapped box brings a valuable ray of hope as well as practical help to those who struggle on a daily basis whether they are poor, sick, disabled, lonely or on the fringes of society. In addition, the gifts are a sign of practical, Christian charity.
It's so easy …
Choose whether you will give to an adult or a child then take an empty box (one of your own or we will provide from 20 October) and fill with all the items on this packing list. Then cover in gift wrap and bring to our collection point at IPC on 27 October, 3, 10, 17 November.
After the deadline on 17 November, the boxes will be taken to a large collection depot for transporting. This is obviously a huge cost so if you can include a donation of CHF10 per box to cover the transport and distribution, that is most valuable. If you are unable to do a box yourself, perhaps you could see your way to donating a box (cost CHF30-50) or contributing towards the transportation. There are many ways you can help.
Further information is on the website http://www.weihnachtspaeckli.ch/
Unfortunately it is not in English but “pictures say a thousand words” so please take a few minutes to watch this film and see how much happiness we can bring to those who have so little.
- It need not be expensive to buy all the necessary items - even in Switzerland! Check out the following shops: Aldi, Lidl, Otto's, Radikal and start looking out already for special offers.
- Currently if you save the COOP points you can get a stuffed animal for a child's box.
- Why not make up boxes in a group (homegroup, neighbours, families, work colleagues) Not only is it more fun but you can also take advantage of bulk buying offers
- Spread the word to your contacts by passing on this email or giving them a flyer (available at IPC from 20 October or from the IPC office)
If you have any questions or would like to help with this worthwhile project, contact the office.
Use this QR code to donate or to pay for the transport costs.