What we believe

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What we believe

A series of sermons on what we believe, based (loosely) on the Apostles' Creed.

April 9, 2017

Your king is coming to you...humble

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 118:1–2, Psalm 118:19–29, Matthew 21:1–11

April 2, 2017

I believe in the life everlasting

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:19–20, Ecclesiastes 5:15–16, Ecclesiastes 9:1–2, Ecclesiastes 9:9–10, Ecclesiastes 12:13, 1 Corinthians 15:54–57

March 26, 2017

I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 51:1–12, Matthew 18:21–22

March 19, 2017

Being Sent into the World

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 12:1–3, Matthew 28:18–20

March 12, 2017

What the Holy Spirit Does

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Isaiah 61:1–4, Luke 4:14–20

March 5, 2017

Who the Holy Spirit Is

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Numbers 11:16–17, Numbers 11:24–30, Psalm 51:1–19, John 14:25–27

February 26, 2017

What Jesus Does-The Atonement

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Peter 1:16–21, Matthew 17:1–9

February 19, 2017

Who Jesus Is

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 John 4:7–26, Psalm 146

February 12, 2017

What God Does: Creation and Providence

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 1:1–27, Psalm 8:1–9, Romans 7:14–25

February 5, 2017

Our God Has a Name

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Exodus 3:13–15, John 3:1–21

January 29, 2017

Knowing God

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Exodus 3:7–15, Luke 22:66– 23:5

January 22, 2017

The Bible: God's Word to Us

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14–17, John 1:1–14

January 15, 2017

How Do We Know? (The Way God Reveals Himself)

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 19:1–6, Psalm 19:14, Romans 1:18–23