Our congregation has made the following statement as an effort to pursue "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).
Recognizing full liberty of individual interpretation, and taking cognizance of the various statements of faith under which its members may have made their professions, we, the members of this church, associate ourselves with all who follow Jesus, and promise to work with one another in this church to further its Christian testimony through worship and in service, supporting its efforts as best we are able.
We humbly repent of all the selfishness that is in us and of the wrongs that we have done and trusting in God's love to forgive, guide and strengthen us, hereby propose to love Him with all our heart and mind and strength, and our neighbors as ourselves. We resolve to follow the Biblical injunction to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God; to take Jesus Christ as Savior and Master, His Spirit as our spirit, and His way of life as ours.
We promise to pray, to work and, if need be, to suffer for the realization of righteousness and freedom, and to seek as God's children to fulfill together our common calling to the glory of the one God.