All-Church Worship Service on Sunday, January 19 at 13:00 in the French Church

followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting


Join us sundays at 12:00 and 17:00

The Rabbi’s Rote: Rehearsing the Lord’s Prayer

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The Rabbi’s Rote: Rehearsing the Lord’s Prayer

May 9, 2021

"The Rabbi's Resolve: 'Hallowed Be Thy Name'" (Part 3)

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: The Rabbi’s Rote: Rehearsing the Lord’s Prayer Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 96:1–13, Exodus 34:1–17, Matthew 28:16–20

April 18, 2021

"The Rabbi's Right: Our Father" (Part 2)

Pastor: Rev. Andrew R. Stager Series: The Rabbi’s Rote: Rehearsing the Lord’s Prayer Topic: Morning and Afternoon Services Scripture: Psalm 103:1–22, Jeremiah 3:11–19, Hebrews 2:5–18, Matthew 6:5–13

April 11, 2021

" 'When You Pray': The Rabbi's Rote" (Part 1)

Pastor: Rev. Andrew R. Stager Series: The Rabbi’s Rote: Rehearsing the Lord’s Prayer Topic: Morning and Afternoon Services Scripture: Psalm 84:1–12, Exodus 3:1–6, Luke 11:1–13, Matthew 5:5– 6:15