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Sermons from February 2017

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February 26, 2017

Who's Pilate's Wife?

Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Matthew 27:15–23, Psalm 99:1–9

February 26, 2017

What Jesus Does-The Atonement

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Peter 1:16–21, Matthew 17:1–9

February 19, 2017

Who's this Father?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Psalm 146, Mark 9:14–29

February 19, 2017

Who Jesus Is

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 John 4:7–26, Psalm 146

February 12, 2017

Who's Martha?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Luke 10:38–42, John 11:17–27

February 12, 2017

What God Does: Creation and Providence

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Genesis 1:1–27, Psalm 8:1–9, Romans 7:14–25

February 5, 2017

Who's Amos?

Pastor: Sam E. Gyorfi Series: Who? Topic: Evening Worship Scripture: Amos 5:7–27

February 5, 2017

Our God Has a Name

Series: What we believe Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Exodus 3:13–15, John 3:1–21