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Lenten Devotional Reading 20

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March 20, 2017

All Day

Category: Adult Education

Scripture: Jeremiah 7:1-15; John 7:14-36

Who Are You?

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" All of us have been asked this question, but how to respond? Do you tell people where you’re from, or do you focus on your family background or perhaps your professional career, or is there something else that defines who you are?

The question of identity seeps into both of these readings. In Jeremiah, the Israelites’ identity is connected to the Temple. Even though they lie, steal, commit adultery, murder and offer sacrifices to Baal, their confidence in the Temple deludes them into thinking that they are safe before God. As long as the Temple is there, they seem assured of their righteousness.

In the reading from John, as with much of the New Testament, the question of who Jesus is puzzles those who hear him. The Jews are openly divided about Jesus' identity. Just like people today, questions about his authority, lineage, hometown, and what he does are all debated. Jesus explains he and his authority come from the Father, that those who have a relationship with the Father would know him as well.
Abraham's identity is through his faith; his hope was in God, not in a physical mark (circumcision). Abraham is justified by faith and faith alone. This identity can be ours as well.

So, who are you? Who are we? How do we define ourselves? Are you a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker? Are you Indian, American, Chinese, South African or Swiss? What about your family, does this define you? God invites all of us to be reborn in Jesus Christ, to find our identity in him, to be adopted children inheriting the family wealth of our heavenly Father.
So how do we answer this question: who are you? It is only through a relationship with Jesus Christ that we can truly answer this.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for adopting us into your holy family. Forgive us for grieving your heart by not being obedient children. Help us always to find our identity in you and you alone and that through Jesus we can share your redemptive story with the rest of the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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