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Lenten Devotional Reading 15

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March 15, 2017

All Day

Category: Adult Education

Scripture: Romans 1:28 – 2:11; John 5:1-18

Judge Not

Judgment − especially judging others − must be one of the most difficult behaviors for humans to control. It seems that our whole life is filled with judgments and we judge almost instinctively. Some judgment is essential to keep us safe, such as: Am I keeping enough distance from the car ahead of me, in case that driver hits the brakes?

But there is also judging that is not positive, especially not for our souls. This starts already in school where our academic skills are judged and compared to those of our peers. Or in sports: Who is good enough to make the team? In relationships, where when we meet a person we often make “split second” judgments: Do we like this person? Is he or she “good looking”?

If that alone is not bad enough, the sin of judgment (Matthew 7) frequently leads to other sins − for example, to envy. If we judge others and see that they are bigger, better, braver, smarter, richer or better looking, how does that make us feel? Someone who is envious might commit further sins, such as those listed in Romans 1:29… a downward spiral, all starting with judgment.

In a way, our “ability to judge” can be traced back to the “first sin.” Before Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they had no knowledge of good and evil. One could say that this meant that they did not know (or at least they did not “need”) judgment. But as soon as they had eaten, the eyes of both were opened and they knew that they were naked. (Genesis 3:7) Because their eyes were opened, they started looking at each other differently and saw they were naked and felt ashamed (or maybe they felt “judged”?).

However, we know that there is one to come who will judge us all. In Romans 2 we read that he will be a righteous judge. For God shows no partiality (v 11) and God, through Jesus Christ, will judge the secret thoughts of all. (v 16)

And even more than that, he will take all our sins on himself and will give his own life on the cross so that we may live in eternity in his presence. As we read in Scripture: Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith. (Romans 3:23-25)

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to refrain from judging others. Let us focus on ourselves and especially on you and your Son, Jesus Christ. We give you thanks for the gift of eternal life for those who have faith. Amen.

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