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Lenten Devotional Reading 8

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March 8, 2017

All Day

Category: Adult Education

Scripture: Hebrews 3:12-19

Don't Turn Away from God

The letter to the Hebrews (the Jewish Christians of the first century) urges these believers not to turn away from the new way of following Christ and revert to the centuries-old faith of the Jews. The Temple in Jerusalem was still standing (it would be destroyed by the Romans only later, in 70 AD) and the Christians were a seemingly ridiculous small group of crazy people and idealists.
While you may not come from a Jewish family background, you may often feel as stupid and out of place as the first Christians (when listening to the media or talking to your colleagues about your faith). In our world we don’t reflect much about heaven and spiritual realities. The deeply materialistic Western society of this millennium has little sympathy or tolerance for people with a strong, absolute faith. Everything around us pushes us to have fun, to spend money and to get distracted by the gazillion possibilities for entertainment, leisure and consumption. We get bombarded by news and messages that try to distort our faith and make us conform to the pattern of this world. (Romans 12:1-2)

The letter to the Hebrews gives several stern warnings about how to fight against the (often subtle) undercurrent that draws us away from the straight and narrow path:
1. Don’t just coast along. Don’t just comfortably slide downhill with all the others. Pay attention to what you have heard, don’t drift away. Don’t ignore Christ’s salvation. (Hebrews 2:1)
Many of my peers who started following Christ around the same time as I did, now no longer follow him. They stand on the sidelines, follow Christ from a distance or have turned their backs on him. Life’s worries, riches and pleasures have choked the Word. (Luke 8:14)
2. Don’t let sin’s deceitfulness harden your heart against God. (Hebrews 3:7) Maybe cruel disappointments, tough tests and blows of fate have made you angry at God and bitter. Maybe your whole life has crashed. Sin deceives you by whispering in your heart that this world is all there is and all that counts, and hides from your eyes the fact that God will heal all wounds and dry all tears in heaven and in the new world to come (Psalm 147:3; Revelation 21:4), and that things will look very different there.
3. Hold your original conviction (your faith) firmly to the very end. (Hebrews 3:14) Others made a good start, turned away from their old lives (in “Egypt”), but then were stranded in the “desert” due to their own stubbornness and rebellion. Don’t always complain and see what could have been better, but be thankful for what you have and for your standing in Christ. (Romans 8:31-39)
4. Today, if you hear his voice, follow him, don’t put this off. Some have never fully committed, they attend church because it is “kinda nice.” They only “flirt” with Christianity. They never jump into the water and move to the deep end, but are happy to sit on the pool’s edge.
5. Let your thoughts, wishes and deep emotions be examined by God’s Word. (Hebrews 4:12; Jeremiah 17:9) Look at your life in light of the Word of God; let it be your guideline and your judge. Often the Word stands in crass and shocking contrast to the values of our world.
6. Keep up the good work, the practical love you show in helping others, both in your family, workplace, in friendships and in your church. (Hebrews 6:10-11) God sees your good deeds and will reward you. (Galatians 6:9)
7. Don’t isolate yourself, don’t abandon fellowship with Christians.
(Hebrews 10:22-25) There is safety in numbers. God is strongly present where his faithful gather (who are very precious to him) and where his name is praised. (Matthew 18:20; Psalm 22:3) In this world God is invisible. But you can see him in the love and care of your siblings in the faith. Get strengthened by them and help build others up. Never forget that we will be together for a long time. So, strive to get along with them. Encourage one another to good deeds and prayer, it’s easier and more powerful to pray together.

Let us not forget what we have, or rather who we have. The Lord Jesus is incomparably superior to mighty angels, wise teachers, charismatic prophets and great historic leaders. He is our Savior, Master, Commander and Friend, and God’s beloved Son.
Let us not treat our calling lightly or be infected by the cynical, condescending attitude of our world to things of the spirit.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that you gave your life for me and paid for my sins, that you made it possible for me to approach the Heavenly Father and spend eternity with you.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you loved me so much that you gave him who is most precious to you.
Please help me to keep the faith alive in my heart and to cherish your great gift. Amen.

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