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Lenten Devotional Reading 7

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March 7, 2017

All Day

Category: Adult Education

Scripture: Deuteronomy 9:4-12; John 2:13-22‬‬‬

Order and Obedience in Our Temples

The following devotional is a blend of the Deuteronomy reading (where the grace of God is reflected on) and the John reading (where the Temple serves as a metaphor for our body and our home.)

For the majority of us, having a healthy body and a place to live is something we take for granted. However, I'd like to draw attention to how generous God has been to each one of us. Yes, my brothers and sisters, I believe we were blessed by God even before we came to this earth.
We all do our part in maintaining the good things that come into our lives. But have we ever taken the time to show God how grateful we are?

A reflection of our devotion to God, doesn't start with the church we go to nor with how many times we go. It starts with how we take care of our homes and bodies. Are we as intentional as Jesus was in the passage of John to keep our temples in order? Does our home or body reflect God's house? Is our home a place where we would like God to live? Do we take proper care of our bodies so that we will have them for as long as God wishes? Do we make time to put our temple in order like Jesus did or is now not the right moment?
If the answer to any question is no, then we need to take charge and start making some serious changes. We don't need permission, nor do we need to tell anybody; it’s a commitment between us and God.

Jesus used to spend a lot of time in the Temple, but we spend time in our homes and our bodies. Jesus went to the Temple regularly, in the same way we all go to our homes daily. When we enter our homes, do the objects, the people and the decorations, reflect a home that shows our devotion to God? Would we be proud to welcome God into our homes?

Prayer: Dear caring Father, let us be obedient to you and, as Easter approaches, let us sacrifice something to improve our bodies and our homes, without falling into idolatry. But more so, let us create a place in our temples where your grace can prevail. Amen.

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