Sermons from 2023

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December 31, 2023

“A New Year’s Resolution: Sing and Make Music!”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 57:1–11, James 5:13–16

December 17, 2023

“Long Awaited: Jesus Christ the Prophet”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Deuteronomy 18:14–20, Hebrews 1:1–4

December 3, 2023

“Long Awaited: Jesus Christ Our Priest”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 110:1–7

November 26, 2023

“The day of the Lord is coming: what should I do?”

Pastor: Nathan Wannemacher Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11, Matthew 24:36–44

November 19, 2023

“Safe and Secure in Christ”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Romans Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 40:1–3, Romans 8:28–39

November 12, 2023

“Groaning… with Hope!”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 13:1–6, Romans 8:18–27

November 5, 2023

“No Condemnation!”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 98:1–9, Romans 8:1–4

October 29, 2023

“A God of Plenty; A Kingdom of Plenty”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 65:1–13, Matthew 7:7–12

October 22, 2023

“Being the Church: The Example of ICC Laodicea”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 18:1–2, Psalm 18:25–29, Revelation 3:14–22

October 15, 2023

“To the End of the Earth”

Pastor: Rev. Abraham Maldonado Scripture: Psalm 51:10–13, Acts 1:8

October 8, 2023

"Being the Church: The Example of ICC Thyatira"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Scripture: Psalm 119:1–8, Revelation 2:18–29

October 1, 2023

“Viewing God”

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 19:1–14, Hebrews 1:1–4

September 24, 2023

"Being the Church: The Example of ICC Philadelphia"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Psalm 27:1–5, Revelation 3:7–13

September 17, 2023

“Proving God’s Faithfulness in the Midst of Trials”

Pastor: Andrew Goodman Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Lamentations 3:21–26, Acts 27:21– 28:1

September 10, 2023

"Being the Church: The Example of ICC Sardis"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 85:1–7, Revelation 3:1–6

September 3, 2023

"One God, Many Hats"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 147:1–20, Colossians 1:15–20

August 27, 2023

"Being the Church: The Example of ICC Pergamum"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 15:1–5, Revelation 2:12–17

August 20, 2023

"Being the Church: The Example of ICC Smyrna"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: Psalm 46:1, Revelation 2:8–11

August 13, 2023

"Being the Church: The Example of ICC Ephesus"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Series: Being the Church Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Psalm 133, Revelation 2:1–7

August 6, 2023

"A People of the Cloth"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4–10, Jeremiah 13:1–11

July 30, 2023

"My Thoughts are not Your Thoughts"

Pastor: Chris Dippenaar Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Isaiah 55:1–13, John 6:51–58

July 23, 2023

"Copers, Choosers and Changers"

Pastor: Chris Dippenaar Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Psalm 46:1–11, Matthew 28:18–20

July 16, 2023

"The Best Promise in Life"

Pastor: Jeff Powell Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Genesis 50:15–21, Romans 8:28–39

July 9, 2023

"IPC's Propelling Power"

Pastor: Rev. James Bultema Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Isaiah 61:1–3, Colossians 1:15–23

June 25, 2023

"Community Founded on the Cornerstone"

Pastor: Tom Haugen Topic: Morning Worship Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4–12

June 18, 2023

"Brought to Fullness in Christ"

Pastor: Nathan Wannemacher Series: Colossians Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Colossians 2:6–15, Matthew 7:24–27

June 11, 2023

"Reconciliation Through Christ"

Pastor: Nathan Wannemacher Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Ephesians 2:1–10, Colossians 1:19–29

June 4, 2023

"The Unfinished Task"

Pastor: Chris Dippenaar Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Psalm 8, Matthew 28:16–20

May 28, 2023

"Sent Like Jesus, in the Strength of the Spirit"

Pastor: Chris Dippenaar Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1–10, Ezekiel 37:14, John 20:19–23

May 7, 2023

"Living Vulnerably"

Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Daniel 3:15–18, 2 Corinthians 12:7–12, John 13:2–17

April 30, 2023

"The Head of Church"

Pastor: Nathan Wannemacher Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: John 1:1–4, John 1:18, Colossians 1:13–20

April 23, 2023

“Our Hope Laid up in Heaven”

Pastor: Nathan Wannemacher Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Colossians 1:1–14, Isaiah 65:17–19

April 9, 2023

"He is Risen"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: John 20:1–18

April 2, 2023

"Your King comes"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Isaiah 40:1–, Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1–11

March 26, 2023

Combined Service "Foundations"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Scripture: Psalm 1:1–6, 1 Peter 2:4–6, Ephesians 2:19–22

March 19, 2023

"Love never ends"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: 1 Corinthians 13 Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: 1 John 4:7–11, 1 Corinthians 13:8–13

March 12, 2023

"Love is ..."

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: 1 Corinthians 13 Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4–9, 1 Corinthians 13:4–7

March 5, 2023

"Love is not ..."

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: 1 Corinthians 13 Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1–3, Proverbs 3:3–4

February 26, 2023

"Malachi, God answers questions"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: Foundations Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Malachi 1:1–14, Malachi 3:13–18

February 19, 2023

"Daniel trusts God"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: Foundations Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Daniel 1:1–17

February 12, 2023

"David, man after God's heart"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: Foundations Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:7–13, 2 Samuel 7:4–13

February 5, 2023

"Moses, man of meekness"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: Foundations Scripture: Exodus 3:1–12, Hebrews 11:23–28

January 29, 2023

"Abraham, Faith & Fear"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: Foundations Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Genesis 15:1–6, Genesis 22:1–8, Hebrews 11:8–12, Hebrews 11:17–19

January 22, 2023

"Noah was a Righteous Man"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Series: Foundations Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Genesis 6:9–22, Hebrews 11:6–7, Matthew 24:36–42

January 15, 2023

"This, Not That"

Pastor: Mark van Stee Topic: Morning and Evening Service Scripture: Psalm 51:10–12, Romans 8:5–17

January 1, 2023

"Core Values of IPC in 2023"

Pastor: Dennis Wright Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11–13, Ephesians 2:19–22,