Bible @10:30 - Ruth

Every Sunday until February 2, 2025

10:30am – 11:30am

Location: , ,

Category: Adult Education

Bible@10:30 is a weekly profitable Bible study to deepen our love for God and equip us to serve others. Our vision is to delight in God’s Word and live out Christ!

Our study of the book of Romans will be completed by November 17, and we will continue with a study of the book of Ruth, using the guidebook, “Ruth – Poverty and Plenty” by Tim Chester.

Ruth was no powerful princess – just a young, vulnerable widow, an impoverished outcast. The story records no famous events or places – just an average family suffering misfortune, in a small agricultural community occupied with their livelihoods and customs. But beneath the surface, the hidden hand of God is at work in the lives of these utterly ordinary people. God transforms hardship from bitterness to joy; God’s word liberates people to become a community filled with loving-kindness towards outcasts; God’s people reach out to their enemies; men and women in troubled and chaotic times choose to do good and act rightly. And, bigger than all of these, we see God’s great plan for the whole world being played out in the lives of ordinary people. We discover that these ordinary events in the lives of ordinary people are part of a chain that ends with the coming of a promised Savior-King to redeem people of all nations. The whole story is a beautiful picture of Jesus our Redeemer, and the unimaginable difference He makes to people saved by Him. Join us as we seek to understand God’s wonderful sovereign purposes at work in the story of Ruth, so that we too can trust God and rejoice that our “poverty” will be turned to “plenty” by discovering the riches that are ours through Jesus Christ.

We meet Sundays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am in church, usually in the Reboulet room in the French Church. Any changes in venue will be announced ahead of the session. Come join us – anytime! And even if you cannot make it every single Sunday, you will still benefit from the study and enjoy the group.

Hard copies of the guidebook may be purchased from the church office (CHF 6). If you wish to purchase it yourself either as an eBook, please use the following link:



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February 23, 2025 10:30am – 11:30am
Bible @10:30 - 2 Samuel
March 2, 2025 1:45pm – 3:00pm
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March 30, 2025 12:00am – 12:00am
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