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Lenten Devotion

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February 23, 2021

All Day

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (Luke 5:16)

Most of us are bombarded by volumes of information and countless distractions from the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep. Many of us multitask throughout our very busy days in our quest to get the most out of every day. In our busy lives and in this digital and “always connected” age, silence is fleeting and often very difficult to come by. Some of us even find silence to be awkward and uncomfortable, so we avoid it.

The Bible tells us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray. Most likely, Jesus wanted to escape his inquisitive disciples and the many noisy distractions, but he may also have wanted to quieten his mind, heart and soul so he could more fully converse with his heavenly Father. Jesus wanted to give him his full, undivided attention. After all, prayer is a two-way conversation with God. If silence is critical in communicating with God, shouldn’t we engage in silence more often? It is often said that silence leads to more space in our lives for God to do deeper work in and through us. Jesus set a wonderful example of using silence in a two-way conversation.

Do you have a quiet place where you can go to pray and spend time alone with the Lord? Is this place completely free of distractions where you can offer your full, undivided attention to God? How often do you meet God there in silence?

Heavenly Father, I am easily distracted by things of this world. I am often awkward and uncomfortable with silence. Let this Lent be a time when I can spend time with you and experience your perfect peace in lonely silence. Teach and guide me to quiet my busy mind so that I can hear your voice. Align my mind, heart, and soul to obey your perfect will. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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